
What a ride!

OMG, guys, these past two weeks! 

First, the passage of Sandy. Here in Queens we barely felt it. Just a few gusts of wind soon forgotten, followed by a week of (very welcome) forced vacation.

The extent of the damage in our street.

Of course, everyone did not have this chance, and some people in my class have just gotten back heat and hot water. And I'm not even talking about the devastation of Staten Island and along the East Coast ... It will take months to clean and restore everything.

Heather brings her most precious possession to safety during the storm ...

So after a week of eating junk food and watching TV, the first week of going back to school has been painful to say the least. On the one hand, I do not know how we would have made it to Christmas break without this this week off, and on the other, I feel that it is much worse to resume after stopping because the lack of time is so striking.

It feels really good to stop ... It is very difficult for me to be creative when I feel I'm chasing time ...

Well, the storm still ruined Halloween ... Some pumpkins survived, and we did a Halloween brunch with my friends / neighbors on the same day, but it is not the same as going to school all dressed up...

Sandy barely out of the way,school barely open again, we were all on edge again for the election!! It didn't seem like the vote was won in advance, despite all the blunders made by Romney, especially after Sandy ... So when the votes began to be counted Tuesday night, we were all rather worried ...

And gradually, as states became red on the map and the chances of Romney grew, it became more and more like:

But then Ohio saved the day!! And after that, it was over for Romney, Thank God!

And we were like:

And Obama was like:

And through all this, Diane Sawyer was like:

In short, a great day for all of us women, gays, artists and anti-corporation people in general.

What else to tell you ? It's been officially two months since we started school, even if it seems like years. I went to see the revival of the Mystery of Edwin Drood, I loved it and will concoct a review as soon as possible.

Click on the pictures to see them bigger!

The weather is going completely wacko and goes from snow to sun without warning ...

Our stage combat class is gradually transforming into circus class ... frankly, that's not what's best for my already struggling body, and I can not wait to start the use of weapons next year: less direct contact, so less danger of injury!

I have a new decor in my room, and I still manage to find time to knit, incredible!

And now what? Nothing too exciting unfortunately ... I have no scene until next week and the following is December 4, so it is pretty quiet. However, the first real false dance audition will be held on Sunday...lots of fun in perspective !

Ah, yes, one last thing : I spent the day watching documentaries on Netflix (the best invention since sliced bread), and one of them is absolutely amazing, about the 2006 production of Mother Courage and Her Children in Central Park, and the context in which Brecht wrote the play ... Below, the first part (it is in its entirety on Youtube). I can only strongly advise you to watch it, even if you're not an artist, the reflexion is worth it...

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